Hello Again!
I’m back! After taking a bit of a blog hiatus due to every mom excuse imaginable including holidays, time, kids, and well excuses, I am ready to take KindaSortaSimple to the next level! I want to reintroduce myself and KindaSortaSimple to you so grab a coffee, have a seat and let’s chat as we talk about what I see coming this year and where my blog is heading. Now do not freak out as food and recipes will continue to be a part of my story, however my focus will also be including other things I am especially excited about including family, DIY’s, possibly YouTube videos and more! Keep reading to get a sneak peak at some of the great content coming your way!
Of course, food is where this all began. My love of food, cooking, and above all else EATING will remain and in fact be even more exciting! I have been experimenting a lot with baking and have also been trying new creations that combine my ethnic Korean roots with other types of food. Result: amazing Korean fusion yumminess! I’ll be sharing recipes and pictures, while exploring other new foods and ingredients.
Bulgogi Ssambap (Korean Beef Lettuce Wraps)
Family and Home Life:
If you don’t already know, we are a family of seven, four of which are little ones ages 11 down to 1 1/2 so kids and craziness is a part of our everyday life! I love being a mom and sharing all the ups, downs, and roundabouts that come with the territory of raising littles. Due to a house full of kids we are constantly hosting family events, birthday parties, and meltdowns family fun. Let’s not forget crazy rainbow cakes, checkerboard cakes, and cupcakes galore for celebrations. I want to share things I have learned along the way of parenthood (the good, the bad, the ugly, and the I-can’t-believe-this-is-happening) as well as bring you along for the journey as we navigate life and #familygoals. I’ll also continue to talk about Minimalism and our journey in striving to embrace this concept in all aspects of our life.
Kyu’s Korean Dol (Korean 1st Birthday Celebration)
Checkerboard Cake
Rainbow Cake
My Family
Decor and DIY:
Something that I have not included much on KindaSortaSimple in the past is home decor and DIY projects. I have recently been dabbling in woodworking and creating things at home that are fun, cost effective, and range from simple to challenging. I am excited to bring you along on my journey in learning more about woodworking, doing more DIY’s, and showing all my triumphs and fails. Sidenote: speaking of #fails, we have been watching a lot of the Fail Army videos on YouTube and oh my goodness, so hilarious!
We also moved into our current house under two years ago and there are lots of projects that I will document as we work on them. Be sure to check out my Instagram Stories for live projects!
Our Porch This Winter
DIY Jewelry Organizer
Last but probably the most important is self care. This is not only going to include fashion as I’ve shared in the past, but also self reflection, health such as eating better, working out, and natural living, as well as beauty. Being a mom of four I understand the challenge and struggle of taking care of ourselves when we are taking care of others and look forward to talking about this important topic with other moms. I have been trying out more natural products, doing yoga, attempting to fit in some workouts that do not include running up and down the stairs chasing my toddler, and other ways to keep my sanity health in check.
Photo bomber trying to do yoga with me!
All right, I apologize as this was a lengthy post however I wanted to lay out a blueprint of what you can expect from me moving forward. I am so excited to bring you all along on this journey and look forward to sharing it all with you! If you are on Instagram I would love for you to look me up at kindasortasimple (or click on the Instagram symbol in the social media tabs) where I share a lot on the Instagram Stories and in the picture feed. It is also a great way to communicate!
What are some changes you are making for 2018? What are some things you are looking forward to?

Love it, especially baby boy photo bombing!
Crystal D Archer
Haha, thanks!! Yeah, my babies are photobombing pros! lol
Kimberly Sims
Hey Crystal….
It was nice reading your message and glad you’ll be blogging again. I will try to keep up with you through your blog, though I am not the best at keeping up with social media. Even without kids in my house from day to day, it seems I still am not being very successful at keeping up, managing my time, or anything else! I can’t imagine having young kids again!!!!! Don’t know how you do it!
Would love to see you and the fam some day!!
Much love to all!
Crystal D Archer
Kim!!! So good to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. You are absolutely amazing and don’t you forget it!! Yes, the littles are always challenging but as you know we just figure it out as moms! Would love to see you sooner than later, hope all is well with you, and we love you!