• Sports Mom Essentials

    Summer sports are still going strong with the Target USA Cup Soccer tournament in MN this week and many other summer sports happening. With 4 kids in 6 different sports at the SAME time over the past month, I have put together some of my favorite summer sports mom essentials that come with me for every athletic event. Bonus it is Amazon Prime Day! Tap on the image to shop or see more info below. Here are a few of my favorites not included on Amazon: I have been bringing this soft sided roller cooler with me to sports tournaments and games because it is easy to transport, fits A LOT of drinks…

  • Summer Bucket List

    It is officially summer! That means sun, outdoor meals, walks and finding ways to entertain the kids at home. That’s where a Summer Bucket List comes in handy. Although this summer will look different than past summers with various closings and policies, there are still plenty of activities to do and places to visit that are safe and fun. Below I’m sharing some of our favorite summer activities, a printable copy of our personal Summer Bucket List that is FREE to download, as well as a Free blank document you can fill out on your own. I kept the color minimal as I am someone who seems to always run out of color…

  • Minimalism: Our Journey on Simplifying Our Life

    Minimalism. What does that word mean to you? For many people it sounds scary, a way of life that forces you to be rid of all earthly possessions and live with absolutely nothing but two outfits, one coffee mug, and your tooth brush. Or maybe you think it is living with only a certain number of items and getting rid of everything else. Perhaps you think it means living in one of those tiny houses that has been trending on television shows lately. I know for me, these are what I thought minimalism was and it did scare me. A lot. When I came across articles on social media promoting minimalism I would…

  • 2017: New Year, New Direction

    Wow, 2016 sure went by quickly! With the new year always comes new ideas, dreams, and hopes for an even better upcoming year. Better health, improved lifestyle, new opportunities and more. For my blog, my outlet, this year will be a change for Kinda Sorta Simple as well. I am excited to add things to my blog that I have been getting into over the past year, things like natural living, sewing, minimalism, different recipes, and a more simple way of life. 2016 was a year of changes for us. One major change is that we welcomed a new baby boy named Kyu in April and I have been blessed and fortunate to be…

  • Memorial Day and the Start of Something New

    What better place to start the chronicles of my family along with projects, events, and more on a weekend that is so full of meaning and remembrance than Memorial Day weekend.   Like many families around the country we used the weekend to spend time with family, enjoy the outdoors, and eat great food.  However, we especially used the weekend to think about those who have sacrificed their lives for the freedoms of our country and those who continue to serve.   I was raised by a dad who not only taught me the importance of respecting those who have fought for our blessed country but also showed me with his continued service in the…