Red, White, and Blue Drink
Need a last minute drink for your 4th of July party today? I was looking for a recipe for the big holiday bash that would be easy to put together the day of the party and would be pretty inexpensive as well. I had already baked the Firecracker Cookies but knew I needed to add something else that was quick and easy to prepare. Scrolling through some ideas online I saw a picture of a tri-colored drink. Hmm, something I don’t have to bake or cook? Let’s check this out!
Everything I read said it was as easy as pouring together three drinks with different sugar contents because the drink with the most sugar would be weighted down to the bottom, the drink with less sugar would float on top. Easy enough, right? We went ahead and added the red fruit punch, then slowly poured in the blue Gatorade. Hmm, looked a little hazy and purple but thought maybe it would filter out later with time.
When we finished it off with the Sprite Zero we realized it had totally bombed as it came out a lovely purple because all three colors mixed together. Not cool. Thankfully we did some research online and found helpful hints that changed how we went about making the drink the second time around. And this is how it looked after those changes.
Success! As we poured each drink in they stayed separated in the glass. The difference was made with these few changes we found here:
1. Fill the glass with ice first, then pour in the red drink.
2. Use a spoon to pour in the blue drink as pictured below which helped the two colors NOT mix as they did the first time!
3. Use a spoon again for the last drink, and we used a carbonated soda which made the top fiz.
Here is what we used.
- Minute Maid Fruit Punch
- Blue Gatorade
- Sprite Zero
After the adjustments it worked like a charm! We will be making this drink, along with eating the Firecracker Cookies today. I love that it only entails buying three drinks, takes no time to prepare, no time in the oven, and is pleasing to the crowd! I’m excited to try other colors and drinks for the different holidays to come. Perhaps some green and red during Christmas?
Check out my red, white, and blue layered cake if you are looking for a fun cake for the holiday.
You can also do this with a large pitcher or large beverage dispenser as long as they are clear so you can see the colors.
What recipe have you tried that completely failed but with a few adjustments turned out great the second time around?